Back in Action

Former CIA spies Emily and Matt are pulled back into espionage after their secret identities are exposed.

Guns whooshing around, cars toppling, heroes running for cover and an over-the-top bombastic score based on any James Bond film, with Back In Action Netflix provides an entertainment action flicks. You just have to take care of the popcorn, turn off your brain and escape with Jamie Fox and Cameron Diaz (why doesn’t she age at all?!).

This is disposable, forgettable Netflix fare, a fast-food burger eaten on the run, the packaging about as nutritious as the content… we might as well let AI have a shot at writing movies, because it can’t do much worse than the dialogue here. But hey – if you have already paid for your subscription, you lose nothing here.

Director Seth Gordon proves adept at handling the many big set-pieces that keep this thing rocking, and his script with Brendan O’Brien does offer some genuine laughs along the way in a movie no one should take seriously.

Action, Comedy
United States (English) 1h 54min